At Burnside Blairbeth Church we take the safety of all in our care very seriously, particularly of children and vulnerable adults. We aim to promote a safe environment and culture in our church and recognise that it’s the responsibility and duty of everyone within the family of the church to minimise the risk of harm occurring, be it physical, sexual or emotional.
We have robust recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff or volunteers working with under 18s and adults who may be at risk have an up-to-date PVG certificate in line with the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Policy.
If harm or abuse does occur we aim to recognise and report this promptly. We are committed to working with Police and Social Work services when required. You can find further details of the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service here.
The Church of Scotland safeguarding handbook can be found here
We recognise our responsibility to care pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse as well as for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and others who may be affected.
We have a responsibility to follow Church of Scotland guidelines when responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.
If you suspect or witness harm or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to your Safeguarding Coordinator or other member of the Safeguarding Panel.
The 4 ‘Rs’ of safeguarding: Recognition, Reporting, Recording and Referral
Contact details of our safeguarding team are on the notice boards in the church gathering area and halls. You can also contact the safeguarding coordinator of our congregation at this email address
Photographs, videos, livestreaming and social media.
During the course of our regular activities we may take photographs or videos to be used in church publicity, including social media. If your child or young person is part of our Sunday Clubs or Switch, we will seek your permission for their image to be used in this way. We don't link these images with the children's names, and after they have been used for their designated purpose the images are deleted from the device used to take them, and not retained.
We also livestream our morning service, and it is available to view on catchup on YouTube. During the talk before the children go to Sunday Clubs we try to avoid videoing the children by moving the cameras, or by putting a notice on the livestream instead of the recording. If it is important to you that any children who are with you are not caught on camera, please keep then beside you rather than letting them go to the front of church. Our Welcome Team [wearing lanyards] are very happy to help – please speak to one of them if you need help, or more information.