We are committed to caring for the environment and to promoting environmental improvement and sustainable development. We recognise that practical action and community outreach flow from spiritual growth and that these form an essential part of our worship and witness.
We are an eco-church and work with Eco-Congregation Scotland, a charity that encourages churches to weave environmental issues into their life and mission by
- making the link between environmental issues and Christian faith
- taking practical action in the church
- and by influencing attitudes and taking action in the local and global community on issues such as climate change.
We seek to celebrate and care for creation in many different ways, such as through worship, prayer and praise. We try to conserve energy (gas and electricity) and reduce our carbon footprint and reduce our waste and recycle where possible. We also support local community initiatives such as Burnside in Bloom and work with other churches through the Eco-Congregation Scotland network - see ECS website http://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/ and video below
You can read our latest annual report here