


Welcome to our church website.

Our Sunday morning service at Burnside Blairbeth is 10.30am, and we look forward to welcoming you.  During December we also have special Christmas Services - 


Messy Christmas - Saturday 7th December 4.30 - come and follow our Angel trail. More information on our website and Facebook.

Quiet Christmas 3pm Sunday 8th December - a service for everyone, particularly in 2024 has been a hard year, followed by afternoon tea.

All age Christmas Eve service 6:30pm 24th December - for everyone, particularly families with children.

Readings and Carols 8pm 24th December - a traditional Christmas eve service

Christmas morning 10:30am - all age service where children are invited to bring along a gift that they’ve received.


Our 10.30am service is also livestreamed on YouTube You can find the YouTube link here .






Find Out More

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Well done! We'd love if you now found us in person - come and join our church family as we worship God together on a Sunday morning at 10.30am in the Burnside building.


Live stream

We "Live stream" our Sunday morning service on YouTube. Our most recent service as well as services over the past couple of years are available by following "watch on YouTube" link below.



 The bible reading and sermon each Sunday are available as a podcast. If you use MyChurchSuite you will find it there under 'My Podcasts', otherwise you can find them on SoundCloud.


What's on?

Latest Sermons